How much money can we take into China when plan visit suppliers or touring?

Recently one of our European customer told us that he plan to visit us and their other supplier in Guangzhou (Canton) ,and he ask us for the title : how much money he can take to China ,for he will cost some and also pay some as deposit for new order of Type 2 EV charge cables ;so here we checked the China custom official website and get the correct information as below ,hope can help you :


Currency Entering or exiting China Passengers do not need to declare the carrying limit.
CNY Entering and exiting China 20000 RMB
Foreign currency


Entering China Equivalent to 5000 USD
Exiting China First time within 15 days Equivalent to 5000 USD
Second or more within 15 days Equivalent to 1000 USD
Second or more within the same day Equivalent to 500 USD
Edit by Andy You


So ,how much for EUR :


Taking RMB into and out of China:

According to the Announcement of the People’s Bank of China No. 18 of 2004 on Adjusting the Entry and Exit Quota of the State Currency In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of the Renminbi and the Measures of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit Quota of the State currency in accordance with the actual needs of China’s economic development and foreign exchanges, the People’s Bank of China has decided to adjust the entry and exit quota of the State currency. The maximum amount of RMB that Chinese citizens and foreigners can carry in and out of China has been adjusted from 6,000 RMB to 20,000 RMB per person.




Taking foreign currency out of China:

  1. If the amount of foreign currency taking out is within the equivalent of US $5,000 (including US $5,000), it is not necessary to apply for an “Permit for Taking Foreign Currency out of the Customs Territory” (hereinafter referred to as the “Taking Permit”), and the Customs will release it. Except for those who make multiple trips on the same day or in a short period of time.
  2. If the amount of carrying is more than 5,000 US dollars to 10,000 US dollars (including 10,000 US dollars), the bank should apply for a “Taking Permit”. The customs shall check and release the goods upon presentation of the Carrying Permit affixed with the bank seal. For the use of multiple “Taking Permit”, if the total amount of “Taking Permit” stamped with bank seals exceeds the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars, the customs will not release them.
  3. If the amount to be carried is more than the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars, it shall apply for the “Taking Permit” from the branches of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange where the deposit bank or the foreign exchange purchase bank is located (hereinafter referred to as “SAFE”), and the Customs shall release the “Taking Permit” affixed with the seal of the SAFE.



Taking foreign currency into China:

According to the provisions of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the General Administration of Customs (Notice on the Issuance of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Entry and Exit with Foreign Currency Notes), the Customs shall release foreign currency not exceeding the equivalent value of US $5,000 (freely convertible currency listed for exchange); Foreign currency taking more than the equivalent of US $5,000 shall be declared in writing to the Customs. Except for those who make multiple trips on the same day or in a short period of time.



China Official Custom website

The official custom website:

At last, Welcome to visit our factory (Dongguan city, Guangdong province China) and we can take you to visit your other supplier in Guangdong province. here we can tour and check more details for EV charging products, especially the Controller solution for your own brand home EV charger and business charger.


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